Gypsy Songs (based on Hungarian Traditional) (The pretty girl, Coming home, If I could catch the mouse, Difficult for you, Curd-porridge, As many inns as I find, Young bride/Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Sergio and Odair Assad


Gypsy Songs (based on Hungarian Traditional) (The pretty girl, Coming home, If I could catch the mouse, Difficult for you, Curd-porridge, As many inns as I find, Young bride

Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Sergio and Odair Assad




  • Gypsy Songs (based on Hungarian Traditional) (The pretty girl, Coming home, If I could catch the mouse, Difficult for you, Curd-porridge, As many inns as I find, Young bride
    Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Sergio and Odair Assad
    作曲:Sergio Assad/based on Hungarian Traditional



    ファイルサイズ:7.39 MB


Gypsy Songs (based on Hungarian Traditional) (The pretty girl, Coming home, If I could catch the mouse, Difficult for you, Curd-porridge, As many inns as I find, Young brideの収録アルバム

Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Sergio and Odair Assadの他のシングル